Sunday, April 20, 2014

Egg-xciting Easter

Easter 2014 got off to a great start for us after we had the first good night of sleep in about a week. (We've been battling raccoons in the attic and Ben's middle-of-the-night two-hours-of-unhappiness teething troubles.)

After a breakfast that included dyed pears and deviled eggs (Garland-Cannon family tradition), Benito had his first Easter egg hunt. I was afraid he wouldn't understand, but he got the point right off and had a fantastic time. Hurray for holidays that our kid is beginning to understand! What a difference a year makes: this time last year Ben wasn't even crawling yet.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A eulogy for our cat

Our cat, Lucretius Catmanuel, died today.

Luc was a cat of specific tastes. He enjoyed the odd belly rub, he loved to tap dance on our full stomachs, he desperately wanted to lick our arms ad nauseam, and took a great joy in holding loud dance parties in his litter box in the middle of the night.

May 2002 (the day Luc came home with us)
He was our soft, white, furry companion for twelve years, and a slightly-bullied brother to our other cat, Oz. Luc always preferred men to women, and would often dash into the living room if we had a male friend visiting. In fact, when he started wanting to cuddle with me when I was pregnant, we joked that he was the first one to be sure I was carrying a baby boy.

Clay's furry friend
Luc was an incredibly kind, patient and loving cat to our son. Both Luc and Ben loved their semi-daily squash-fests, with Ben plopped across a loudly-purring Luc.

Ben probably won't remember his loving white kitty, but we will remember for him.

Christmas kitty
Luc went into cardiac arrest this morning at the vet's office, after being diagnosed with a pretty bad bladder condition yesterday.

watching over Ben

early lessons in "gentle"

Monday, April 14, 2014

Houston, we have a rally

in a helicopter!
We spent last weekend in Houston with my brother, Matt, and sister-in-law, Sandy, for the H-Town Scootdown. While we were not able to get Clay's scooter to Houston so he could ride in the rally (we really need to buy a little trailer), we had a fantastic time doing some of the scooter meet-ups with the rally crew. The rest of the time was "Unk" (Uncle Matt) and "Siiindy" (Aunt Sandy) fun time.

Ben got his first taste of running through the water sprinkler on a hot day (as first demonstrated by Uncle Matt), we took a fascinating tour of The 1940s Air Terminal Museum where Ben got to run around under the wheels of vintage airplanes and press some buttons in an old flight simulator, and Ben even got to taste his first fried oyster (cue weird face, but then wanting more).

learning to fly

@ a food truck park
"see you!"
learning the mechanics of a sprinkler
the ride back to SA (thoroughly tuckered out)

Friday, April 4, 2014

It's that time again

It's wildflower time again in central Texas, and I was not surprised to confirm that getting a dashing toddler and flowers into the same photograph was a bit trickier (and more fun) than taking last year's pictures.

Also, I've lately come to the (probably pretty obvious) conclusion that one of the reasons transitioning from nurturing a helpless baby to raising a happy, well-mannered toddler is so difficult is this: babyhood is all about trying to figure out and provide exactly what the baby wants. Toddlerhood is all about helping this growing human being learn that he can't always have exactly what he wants. This sure makes a mama re-arrange her mind, and get ready for some gotta-just-get-through-them upsets!