Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ben, King of the Desert (or perhaps a visiting earl?)

post breakfast picnic @ McKelligan Canyon

learning to climb trees
two thumbs up for Unk Greg

Sometimes Clay has to travel for work, which can make for some lonesome times for Ben and I. The good part about this not-so-great facet of his work is that when Clay is going to be out of town for several nights in a row, Ben and I can use Clay's frequent flyer miles to go visit my parents.
So... less than four days after we saw my parents in San Antonio, Ben and I flew to west Texas to stay with them for a few days this week.

Even in this short amount of a time (since last seeing his grandparents), Ben has progressed from saying "krampa" to "grampa." He has also started interjecting "gooness!" ("goodness!") and "pufict!" ("perfect!") into conversations. However, his most fabulous verbal development was when he said "I love you" to me (for the first time ever) after a nice lunch with my parents. He had said "I love" to Clay before, but never to me. 

Heart melted.

Ben says "I love you"

TRUE breakfast of champions: red cheese enchiladas with a fried egg on top

*** Below: this is what happens when Ben spends three days getting entertained by his grandparents, goes without a nap, and eats a big dinner. ***

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Krrrampa & Gramma come to town

We had a fabulous long weekend with my parents coming to stay with us. We had loads of fun at Morgan's Wonderland Amusement Park, where Gramma got to ride a carousel with Ben, and Ben got to "drive" a jeep. We went on safari at the SA zoo, petting sleepy piggies and goats in the petting zoo and enjoying the hippos and elephant especially. And (of course) we had loads of delicious family meals and hanging out time at home. I even remembered to pull out the old schoolhouse Ben's great-grandpa built about 60 years ago (and managed to secure it safely to the table with a belt). It is definitely Ben's new favorite toy. Oh, how I wish we all lived closer!!!!

having a "serious" conversation with "Krampa"
playing house with Gramma
Uncle Matt drove in from Houston for some family time too (here Ben is shooting a water cannon @ Morgan's Wonderland)
story snuggles
Beep! Beep! Who's got the keys to the jeep? (@ Morgan's Wonderland)

Guess what? Hippo butt.

Ben actually helped "Unk" stack some blocks!

When playtime gets TOO exciting
my blue boy

broccoli is definitely finger food
so are lamb chops