Friday, August 31, 2012

bottle feeding success

Not much to report today. Clay's in Brownsville for a deposition, and around 4:00 one of my former school co-workers is coming over to meet Benjamin. (I'm looking forward to hearing all the school gossip!)

bedtime last night
Last night we bottle-fed Benjamin for the first time. The lactation specialist had suggested that if we are ever going to want to go on a date night or have someone else give him a bottle, he needs to be introduced to the concept soon. So instead of giving him his supplemental expressed milk through the syringe, we tried the special type of bottle she had suggested. He took to it right away, so that's one potential problem we seem to have avoided.
bouncy chair

It's gotten tricky trying to pump milk three times a day as well as feeding (as well as getting anything else done). I can't pump right before or right after he nurses, and I can't hold him while I'm pumping. This had led to a bit of unhappiness on his part, but he's adjusting a bit better today. Luckily I have a bouncy chair in the study (where the pump is set up) where he can at least watch me even though I can't hold him.

Huh. I just realized: for the first time Benjamin is giving me signs that he obviously cares if he is near me (when I left him in his swing in the living room and came to the study to pump he cried, but when I brought him into the study with me, he's been content to sit in his chair and stare at things.) Previously it didn't seem to matter if he was near me or Clay or not: if he was unhappy and going to cry it he would do it regardless of everything else.  This both makes me happy and makes me realize that we have a long future together of never-being-separated. That's okay though, as long as it doesn't involve too much screaming!  :)

P.S. I just made an appointment for Benjamin to see the Pediatric Ear, Nose, & Throat specialist next Wednesday!


  1. A friend of mine strongly recomends a motorized rocking device. He says it was the only way to get anything done while his children were small. Matt

    1. We've actually got two different ones. One of them just vibrates (he doesn't like that as well), and the other is a swing that sometimes totally helps, but not always.
