Monday, September 3, 2012

Ben meets some Cannons

Benjamin got to meet his first of the Cannon relatives yesterday when Matt and Sandy drove over from Houston. Although Benjamin definitely did his share of crying, he was sleepy enough to allow us to go eat lunch at The Cove and dinner at Alamo Street Eats (both have loud outdoor seating where we knew it wouldn't be too out if place if Benito started to cry). Matt, Sandy, and I got in a good game of Settlers of Catan also (which Sandy won by a landslide).

Uncle Matt
It's weird to think that exactly a year ago we were also hanging out with Matt and Sandy, but instead of dealing with all things baby we were camping up near Austin!

too full
milk smile
In other news, Benjamin has already outgrown his first item of clothing (the jammies in the picture below).
can no longer stretch out his legs!

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