Monday, October 15, 2012

Big Ben

I realized yesterday that Benjamin can already fit into size 6-9 months clothes (even though he's two weeks shy of being three months)! His Grandma and Grandpa Cannon bought him some pirate onesies that we thought he'd be wearing this spring, but I realized yesterday that they already fit! He is quite a long little thing!

He's also been enjoying thte bouncy baby chair (finally) we keep in the nursery. He's discovered that if he kicks his legs the little plastic animals bounce around (as the video shows). Yesterday he spent almost an hour being entertained by that!

Yesterday I also attached a baby mirror to the wall by his changing table and just this morning he discovered it. Mostly he was looking at me looking at him in the mirror, but he was definitely turned towards the wall and smiling when I smiled. I love it when we find new things to make him smile.

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