Monday, February 25, 2013

baby stretches

Ben's first fortune cookie: sure sounds ominous!
There isn't much real news to report, so I'm just posting some photos from the last few days. Ben is getting so much better at sitting up, and he can even stretch out and pick up a toy pretty far away then push himself back out. Playing seems a lot more fulfilling for him now that he's not stuck on his back all the time. He still doesn't enjoy tummy time on the floor (he'll almost immediately roll himself onto his back), but he has been enjoying trying to "climb" on Clay and I when we have him in our laps on the couch. While he is certainly not a pro at sitting in a shopping cart or a restaurant high chair, he will usually enjoy/tolerate it for a good 15 minutes or so, which is so nice!

sitting in a restaurant high chair like a big boy!

Below: Ben & his "tambourine"

Below: Ben and Luc

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