Thursday, March 28, 2013

Zoo Expedition Numero Uno

loved the fish in the hippo tank

Ben, Tina, Auden and I went to the zoo today. It was Ben's first zoo trip and it ended up being a beautifully cool cloudy day.

Sadly, I realized that I could either leave Ben in the stroller (where he couldn't see any of the animals) or I could put him in the baby backback... where he was cozy and promptly fell asleep.

He did get to enjoy a little of the zoo, like the hippo feeding (which is going on in the picture to the right), and a few other animals. Mostly Benito just had a nice, restful, mama-tiring day. I went ahead and bought us a zoo membership, so I plan to come back often.

just before the hippo feeding frenzy
hamming it up on the bronze baby elephant

Ben & Auden all ready for a zoo adventure
mama's funnel cake fries with powdered sugar... sorry, Ben: not yours
sleepy boy ignoring the lion (it's just to the left of Ben's head)
riding the komodo dragon (statue)
soooo sleepy... & NOT looking at the elephants behind him

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