Sunday, April 14, 2013

Enjoying the last of SA spring

Yesterday we went to the San Antonio Botanical Garden with some friends, and Clay got some great photos of our little family. It was probably the last pleasant day before spring completely melts in a too-hot-to-do-a-thing-outside puddle.

Benji is getting so close to really crawling. He still maneuvers backwards pretty well, and he rolls over like a champ, but last night he actually scooted his knees forward about an inch (a first for him!).

His two new favorite things to do are standing up (holding tight to someone's thumbs) and tilting over one of his toy boxes in the living room and pulling everything out.

The standing thing definitely gets tiring for me after a while (although he is now sometimes trying to hold himself up on things other than me), but the toy box tipping is great. I no longer have to go to the toy box and choose a couple toys that I think he might like; he can now do it himself (thank you very much)! I know this new skill applied to a bookshelf or other household container will not be so endearing, though.

In other news, we are also dog-sitting a small friendly dog named Pip. I think Ben has enjoyed watching a dog run around the living room again.

wants to be walking so badly!


just saw a duck

Discovery: "I can fetch the toys out of the box myself!"
Pip tries to ignore the delicious baby
"all by my-sseeeeelllfff"
Ben dizzily holding my hand with Pip in the background

Tina, Auden and Ben
afternoon walk at Brackenridge Park

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