Monday, June 17, 2013

Primary mode of transportation for Ben: soon to be walking!

Happy Father's Day from my two best boys
Ben has gone from furniture cruising and a lot of crawling, to toddling and lurching forward on his own two feet as much as about 5 feet in a row! (see two videos below)

It won't be long now until walking is the name of the game. Hurray for cleaner knees and tops-of-feet! Uh-oh dirty bottoms-of-feet and constantly chasing after "trouble." That's okay; I find I like each new stage he goes through much better than the previous ones.

teething CRAAAAZY eyes
We had a lovely Father's Day weekend (I started a scavenger hunt gift tradition for Clay), and Ben was mostly in a good mood. 

In a way it was a very fatherhood-ish weekend: where we planned to do one thing, but had to constantly readjust and do something (usually) just as good. We tried to go to Boneshakers' for Sunday brunch, but they had had an electrical outage over night, so we went to The Monterrey (yum!) instead. We decided to drive up to Austin, but Ben woke up and started to get fussy...and traffic was bad, so we just took a little drive instead. We were going to have dinner out, but Ben was inconsolable yesterday afternoon (he's cutting his eighth tooth), so Clay picked up Pakastani food. It seems like that's what parenthood is all about.

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