Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kitty troubles

We had an unhappy surprise last night with our older cat, Luc. He had been acting a bit off for the last week (wanting to be picked up instead of jumping over our numerous baby gates), then last night I noticed some small bloody puddles on the bathroom floor. After a bit of unpleasant investigation, we found Luc's rear end was matted with blood. 
poor Luc in his double-decker gated new "home"
sad kitty on the way to the vet's last night

Two hours later (at the emergency vet's office) and $500 poorer, we had gotten him treated for an "anal gland abcess" (yes, super gross!). He now has to live in the bathroom until he and Oz (our other cat) are no longer in danger of licking the area (7-10 days). Ick.

Our AC system doesn't blow very hard in the bathroom, though, so I didn't want him to simmer for a week. Instead I rigged up a double decker system with two baby gates (Oz kept trying to jump over the gate to get to Luc with only one gate up). So now it's quite an acrobatic feat to get into our bathroom. Poor Luc-y boy, and poor us! At least Ben isn't already potty trained and needing to get in there, I guess!

Speaking of Ben, he's doing very well. He's getting even better at signing "eat" and "milk", and is a lovely little boy to be around at least 80% of the time, I'd say.
Benito & Auden enjoying the zoo's riverbank

Ben fast asleep at dinner
the king of Chick-fil-A!

bathtime is a bit more fun these days
Ben and daddy at Grady's birthday party yesterday

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