Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A brace of Christmases

Christmas number two for Benito...

Other than Ben spending the first five minutes of present-opening sobbing this morning, Christmas has been lovely. (He was hungry and we couldn't feed him until 30 minutes had lapsed on his meds.) Ben still doesn't understand the concept of unwrapping presents at all, and we had to physically pull him off of one of the toy boxes so we could open it for him. It's all part of the toddler Christmas experience (as is getting up with him FIVE times last night). It's so mind-blowing to think about how incredibly different things were a year ago! Every age is amazing, but Ben sure is more fun the older he gets.

Last night we had a fantastic time at the De la Garzas' Christmas Eve dinner, and tonight I'm making a (mostly) paleo roast duck feast for us and our neighbor. Too bad we all have to go back to regular life tomorrow.

16 months vs 4 months
magnetic blocks from Mama and Dada
boxes are more fun

watching the De la Garzas make "reindeer food" Christmas Eve

Christmas eve hugs
Ben and Oz enjoying my new beautiful Christmas rug

paleo banana bread in a "homemade" loaf pan more from a year ago; hardly looks like the same boy!

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