Saturday, June 21, 2014

This is the worst trip I've e-ver been on (A.K.A. Beach (Hating) Boy)

Who HATES the ocean? This guy.
Nice wet squishy sand? Beautiful sloshing waves? Other little kids running and screaming for joy? Ben clings to his parents in terror and spends over an hour refusing to be set down. So much for our first beach adventure.
all dressed up and no where (safe) to go
Ben loved the mirror on the hotel elevator's ceiling
In a way, that was typical of our weekend adventure in south Texas. Last Friday Clay had some work to do for one of his cases in Brownsville, so we all drove down Thursday night.  Friday evening we had a wedding (of one of Clay's former classmates) to attend. We were pretty excited that we would be able to combine business with pleasure, and turn the weekend into a little family vacation.

However, nothing on this trip went quite the way we hoped it would. I ending up having to cut short Ben's fun at the Brownsville Children's Museum Friday morning, and then Ben's two-year-old hyper-self did not want to conform to the solemnity of a Catholic church wedding.  While he looked quite dapper in his button-up shirt and bowtie, at the start of the ceremony Ben was super wiggly and noisy and then clapped and said "yea!" loudly just when the bride finished her grand entrance. Cringe. In order to save the decorum of the ceremony, I took him outside for the rest of the wedding, where he proceeded to try to run into the street, pick up trash and generally run his mother ragged. (P.S. I hate you, high-heeled shoes!)

This morning I was so excited to go to South Padre beach, thinking how much fun our boy would have digging in the sand and splashing and running around, and how that would help him sleep on the 4.5 hour car ride back to SA... yeah, not so much.  (Poor, terrified little guy.) 

But we did end up having a delicious seafood lunch before we headed back, and Benito DID end up napping for almost two hours on the way back, so all-in-all I guess it was a worthwhile adventure after all.

**(below) Brownsville Children's Museum madness**

spent (literally) 20 minutes "driving" this car)

***... then this is what was waving good-bye to us from the side of the road on our way out of South Padre this morning??***

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