Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ben (sort of) hearts a cardiologist

At his two-year check-up Ben's pediatrician noticed he has a small heart murmur, and she suggested we visit a cardiologist to make sure his heart is okay. That concern had been a back-of-our-minds worry for the last month, but we finally got to put it to rest.

Yesterday I took Ben to see a children's cardiologist, where Ben had a major meltdown while they were trying to measure his height and take his blood pressure. Luckily I'd remembered to put the "magic/toddler crack" iPad in my purse with the even more "eliminates-all-interest-in-everything-else" Adventure Time episodes on it. After I put that on, the nurse and doctor even complimented on how well he cooperated (the cardiologist thanked me for bringing it!). I always feel like a bit of a terrible, I-don't-know-how-to-entertain-my-own-kid mom when I whip the iPad out, but whatever.   :)

They gave him an EKG (sticking little electrode stickers all over his chest), which showed the heart murmur. The cardiologist said on a scale of 1-6, with 6 being most severe, Ben's murmur was between a 2 and a 3. So then they did a sonogram on his heart just to make sure everything is fine (which it is). "He has a very healthy heart" according to the cardiologist, and the murmur is an "innocent murmur," won't affect anything he might want to do in life, and he'll grow out of it. Hurray for one less thing we need to worry about!

In other news, today Ben and I had a lovely lunch with some of our around-the-corner neighbors who have two adorable scottie dogs (one of my favorite breeds). We met this couple back when we used to take the Colonel on walks, and it was great getting to see them again. Although Ben wouldn't leave the "safety" of my arms while we ate, he soon warmed up and was trying to get them to run up the hill in their backyard with him.

Here at home Ben's imagination is soaring to new heights; lately he will crawl across the floor to Clay or I saying, "I dragon! Roar! Chomp! Chomp!"  He has taken to saying "Someone! Door!" and when we confirm there is no one at the door, he says, "gone!" Sheesh. He's also experimenting with emotions saying, "I'm sad!" (in the most pathetic voice possible), but before I can comfort him or ask what's wrong, he grins and yells "I'm happy! Smile! Mama happy?" Oh my little boy.

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