Thursday, May 9, 2013

The cats can stay!

Ben's first professional haircut: no more wispy mulleting!
Ben saw the allergist today, and after an uncomfortable skin prick test (they tested for cat, dust mites and several pollens) he tested negative for everything (except a very slight reaction to dust mites). The allergist said that in no way could his small reaction to dust mites be causing the way Ben breathes.

...So we'll be reporting to the hospital Monday morning for the "swallow test." If that doesn't show anything then we have a second appointment on Friday morning for the bronchoscopy. NOT fun. For the swallow test, he can't have eaten or drunk anything 3 hours prior; for the bronchoscopy he can't have had anything 6 hours prior. Looks like I may be trying to "explain" to my 9 month old why I can't give him any breakfast (or 2, 3, or 4 a.m. feedings like he likes). Luckily the bronchoscopy appointment is at 7:30 in the morning.

showin' off the back of Ben's haircut
Anyway, it is such a relief to be sure that we will not have to find a new home for our cats! It was really sad to lose The Colonel, and I'd hate to not have something furring up the place and demanding to be petted.

Ben at the doctor's office this morning
both my boys on their "phones"

stinky feet :)

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