Wednesday, July 10, 2013

El Paso, Ahoy!

Arg! Pirate Ben splashes in the Seven Seas
While Clay is "enjoying" an especially busy period at work, I'm visiting my parents and brother in El Paso. We've only been here a few days so far, but Ben has already learned the joys of splashing in his own water-filled plastic pirate ship, gotten to "teach" Gramma about the joys of randomly banging on her computer keyboard, and been carried around the El Paso Zoo by his Uncle Greg.

loves the sliding glass door
The last time we were here, Ben wasn't even sitting up very well on his own, and now he's up and walking (and much more fun to be around). He surprisingly hasn't given my parents' dogs or cat too hard of a time, and they have mostly ignored him.

Last week Ben hit a real milestone with baby sign language. Instead of just using the "more" sign during meal time after I'd used it first, he signed "more" when we came to the end of his morning milk bottle (with no prompting from me). It's so wonderful-- now instead of crying until I figure out what he wants, we can really start communicating in a meaningful way!

teaching Gramma about PowerPoint

story time

Uncle Greg introduces Ben to prairie dogs


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