Sunday, August 25, 2013

Onward and Upward

already trying "trick riding" (shudder)
Today Ben enjoyed his very first experience "swimming"/being carted around in a real swimming pool. We had refrained from taking him to the pool at our gym all summer (since his pulmonologist had told us to try to keep Ben illness free all summer--which we did!). Sadly the pool closes after Labor Day, so today was one of our last good chances. The weather was actually a bit cooler than usual, and cloudy, so it was the perfect day for it.

I had been apprehensive of Ben to the pool all by myself (in case he got scared and started crying, like he does in the bath sometimes), but Clay didn't have to work today, so we could make it a family adventure. The only time Ben got really scared was when he toppled over (head first) a couple of times in the shallow end, but even then he shook it off very quickly.

enjoying his new beanbag chair
Ben's newest skill on land is trying to climb. So far he's just attempting small things mostly, like shallow stairs. He successfully climbed the steps at the zoo the other day (see video below), but was not at all interested in trying to go down them. Sadly, he still sometimes attempts to get off the couch by diving head-first towards the floor. Today at Landa Park he climbed up the little kids' play equipment all by himself (with me hovering behind and Clay underneath). It's pretty fantastic to be able to take my son to the park and watch him explore. NOT so fantastic a climbing feat was when I looked up to see him standing on top of his little scooter a few days ago (see picture below).

Speaking of climbing, this week I bought Ben a beanbag chair for him to practice clambering up and down. That chair has been doubly-great because it also gives me somewhere comfy to sit when I read him "That's Not My Pirate" or "Curious George Goes to the Zoo" for the millionth time.

This Thursday Ben is going to have his 12-month pediatrician visit (almost a month late because our health insurance was having issues). I'm both looking forward to that (I want to talk to the doctor about the weaning process), and dreading all the shots. In any case, it'll be good to have it over with. And who knows, maybe then we can stay OUT of doctor's offices for a few weeks... or dare I say, a few months???

Benito the StairMASTER

"painting" on dad's kindle
Ben = 1/3 Clay
Humus is NOT for babies.... humus is NOT for babies
MaCaulay Culkin/Home Alone impression (actually the precursor to a sneeze!)

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