Saturday, December 21, 2013

Merry pre-Christmas with the Cannons

Grandpa time
Ben and I just spent the past week in El Paso with my parents and all three of my siblings. It was fantastic to have all of us in the same town for a while!

Ben is starting to pay attention to what's outside the plane window
Think constant house party with around-the-clock dance powwows and perpetual toddler entertainment. Ben has the best family. Just saying.

makin' s'mores!!!!
Uncle Greg and the uncertain tiger

geologist Uncle Matt explaining the topography of pizza

overstimulation, much? Naaaa

more Grandpa time

baby's first "mountain climb"

don't fall off the mountain!

birthday cobbler 
Uncle Matt's primate impersonation
walk this way

a game of "throw the pinecone"
St. Nicholas puppet my dad made when I was little

best airplane distraction toy ever!
dance party with Auntie N

(and from a few weeks ago here in San Antonio)
What a difference a year makes!

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