Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A eulogy for our cat

Our cat, Lucretius Catmanuel, died today.

Luc was a cat of specific tastes. He enjoyed the odd belly rub, he loved to tap dance on our full stomachs, he desperately wanted to lick our arms ad nauseam, and took a great joy in holding loud dance parties in his litter box in the middle of the night.

May 2002 (the day Luc came home with us)
He was our soft, white, furry companion for twelve years, and a slightly-bullied brother to our other cat, Oz. Luc always preferred men to women, and would often dash into the living room if we had a male friend visiting. In fact, when he started wanting to cuddle with me when I was pregnant, we joked that he was the first one to be sure I was carrying a baby boy.

Clay's furry friend
Luc was an incredibly kind, patient and loving cat to our son. Both Luc and Ben loved their semi-daily squash-fests, with Ben plopped across a loudly-purring Luc.

Ben probably won't remember his loving white kitty, but we will remember for him.

Christmas kitty
Luc went into cardiac arrest this morning at the vet's office, after being diagnosed with a pretty bad bladder condition yesterday.

watching over Ben

early lessons in "gentle"

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