Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Eggs & The Boy Who Loves Chocolate

Ben apparently wanted to get an early start on Easter 2015 this morning by waking up before it was even light out (normally he sleeps until 8ish). Luckily for me, I'd already been outside hiding the Easter eggs in the backyard.

So Ben began his Easter with an egg hunt in the drizzly-wet morning, and then moved on to playing with his Easter basket (containing insect-shaped eggs, a set of mini plastic tools, bubbles, and CANDY). This was Ben's real first go at true, mass-produced candy and let's just say he enjoyed his chocolate bunny and marshmallow peeps even more than I would have (which is saying something).

After needing a good hosing-off from all the sticky food, Clay took him to the park to work some of the sugar. The excess craziness still hadn't worn off by this afternoon, though, because he spent a really long time talking and laughing to himself in his crib during nap time, but never did fall asleep. Apparently there is a good reason we don't ever give Ben candy.

This past week, Ben and I also had a lot of fun dyeing eggs with our good friend, Tina and her son. I think she and I got more pleasure out of the dyeing process than the kids did, but at least they (mostly) let us dye in peace. I also found a couple of good "hacks" for Easter eggs online: using a baby nose-suctioner for blowing out eggs, and putting a hard-boiled egg inside a whisk to help a toddler dye with less mess. This year I turned the blown eggs I dyed into birds for my Easter tree, which was a lot of fun too.


...AND some wildflower pictures, too

 "Let's go catch some!"

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