Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Years to everyone! After a lovely Christmas, we had a nice, mostly restful New Years holiday. We got to see some good friends' new-new-new baby, had a cozy & low-key New Years eve/game night, and then went to Austin yesterday to see some of Clay's high school friends.  Too bad this is the last extended weekend Clay will get until Memorial Day!

Ben turned 5 months yesterday, and is now sitting up for longer periods unassisted and his hair seems noticeably not-so-wispy now also.

Last night I also finally got out the Baby Bullet (it's a fancy little blender) my sister bought for Ben last spring. Ben had been eating a little hand-mashed avocado at lunch, but I think table foods will be a lot better and more interesting now that I can properly make my own baby food. Using only one avocado and one banana, I made several mini "tasting meals" for Benito for the next few days that I think he's really going to like.

Threadgills (in Austin) New Years Day

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