Wednesday, January 9, 2013

room switch-a-roo

story time
Benito has been enjoying his Christmas gifts and growing more cute every day. He is also becoming more of a pleasure to be around all the time. Although each day is different (and some are full of never-ending fussing), I feel like I'm finally able to predict most of what he wants and keep him pretty happy, which keeps me very happy, indeed. :)

enjoying his new water-proof photo album
Speaking of keeping me happy, a few days ago I decided to completely re-arrange the furniture in the living room and the study. Ever since he was a puppy, The Colonel has used the living room couch as a launching pad to try to get out the window and eat the mail man. He leapt about, half-on and half-off of the back of the couch making a lot of noise and stomping on everything. It was bad enough when I was pregnant, but now that Ben spends a lot of time with me on the couch, I was worried the dog would inadvertently stomp the baby. So I moved around most of the living room furniture, and now I feel a lot safer when mail-time rolls around every afternoon. (see video below)

I decided to rearrange the study when I realized as soon as Benito can crawl he was going to crawl right into the cat box (which was behind the door in the study). So I moved the cat box into the bathroom (crowding that up, sadly), and rearranged the book shelves and library table in the study. Now it is a lot more open and once I've rented a carpet steamer I won't feel grossed out when Ben starts crawling on it.

He's probably still a ways off of crawling, but he does enjoy doing a slow-break-dancing move where he rotates himself around and often ends up off of the tummy time mat.

the rearranged study

Ben's first taste of banana (sadly he didn't seem to like it any better than yogurt or banana at first taste)

 tummy time

one of his spunky new Christmas outfits

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