Saturday, January 19, 2013

our little snuffalufagus

January is more than half over, and I'm sure I don't know where it went. Sometimes it seems very hard to fill my days (with things that his royal baby-ness, Benjamin, approves of, anyway), but it also feels like the weekends appear out of nowhere. Things seem to drag by and go super fast with a baby around.

Benjamin can now sit unassisted for at least 45 seconds without toppling over (mostly, anyway), and sitting up  to be his preferred position these days.

In the last day or so he has either gotten his first cold or his first problems with allergies, because he is very congested and seems more tired than usual. He doesn't have a fever and is still mostly cheerful, but it's hard to hear him suffering and snuffling. The booger-syringe only does so much, and of course, he HATES it. Night before last Ben woke up every three hours because he was so clogged up, but last night he only woke up once (last night I put two towels under his sheet at his head to help prop him up a little). Hopefully he'll sleep well again tonight.

chatting in the high chair

playing with "Tobias Funke," a Christmas gift from Dad

contemplating the deliciousness of his own fingers

"GIVE me that ball, and I will keep the screaming to a minimum"
in the process of rolling onto his tummy

daddy time

trying not to fall over

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