Wednesday, January 23, 2013

so much baby time

my first attempt at portrait drawing in about 5 years... definitely need more practice
Ben has enjoyed going to "baby time" at the Landa Branch library for the past three weeks. The first time we went, it was a bit weird and intimidating for me. All of the other kids were older and more mobile than Ben and all the other parents knew all the songs. I'm glad we've kept going, though, because he really seems to get a kick out of watching the other babies for the 45 minutes or so that we're there. Landa Branch Library was built in the 1920s and is an amazing building (it reminds me a lot of the NcNay Art Museum). They also have a great playground outside that I know Ben will enjoy when he's older.

At the suggestion of my friend, Leilani, I recently bought some handles for our baby bottles, When he's not super hungry or tired, Ben likes holding the handles. The only problem is, he gets distracted so easily, the bottle ends up under his chin and he's looking at me like I'm depriving him of food. I know eventually he'll get a hang of it though. It will be really nice when he's hungry and I'm in the middle of something and I can just hand him a bottle (& we can both be happy!).

"baby time" at Landa Branch Library
trying to hold his bottle by the new handles we bought

Oz is keeps trying to get some attention

"oh blue monkey, we need to have a talk"
strapped to daddy's back in last weekend's hike

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