Thursday, February 27, 2014

Recollections: real & rose-colored

As Ben moves further into a more delightful and happily-independent little-boyhood, I've been thinking a lot about the different stages he's already gone through, as well as his birth. I've been feeling pretty sad that his birth was so far from the "ideal birth" I'd imagined, and worrying about what I was eventually going to tell him about his birth. I want his birth story to be joyful and magical, but I also want to avoid out-right lying to Ben, ever. 
The other day I looked back over my early blog posts about Ben's birth, and I was reminded of some of the facts that I'd mentally tucked away (or completely forgotten). Not only did I have a unwanted, frightening C-section (because labor did not progress after 16 hours post induction), but I also developed Preeclampsia during birth (where blood pressure sky-rockets to seizure-dangerous levels). The hospital gave me magnesium sulfate for the preeclampsia before the birth and for at least a day after the birth. No wonder I felt like everything was a scary, blurry haze until about a day after Ben was born. It helps to be reminded a lot of that was drug-induced!

Anyway, after being inspired by reading some beautiful stories other c-section moms told their children, I decided to see what I could do to make ben's birth story happy AND true. Writing, thinking, reconsidering, and re-writing about his birth was one of the most healing experiences I've had. (Plus, I love painting and crafting!) 

Now I have something special to read Ben about his birth that makes me think of it in a new perspective too! (see video link below for whole book)

Ben's birth book

... On another topic, Ben has been learning to blow his nose. He's trying it out on tissues, the couch, and (my "favorite") on his boiled eggs from breakfast!

Indiana Ben and the Temple of Lost Toys

wanted to try a big-boy swing; a little unsure about the actual experience

no need to go to the real rodeo when you can ride a cat for free!

my two favorite people

coloring "with" mama

Friday, February 7, 2014


monkeying around
Ben's physical growth has slowed a bit, according to today's 18-month check-up. In the last 3 months he has grown half an inch in height, and put on 1 pound, 9 ounces in weight. At his 15-month check up his height was in the 76th percentile, but now it's only the 50th percentile. (His weight remains at the 25th percentile). 
playing with Grandpa
reading with Gramma
I guess most of his calories these days go to brain gymnastics and feats of physical prowess (like executing two-feet-off-the-ground hops and swinging from toddler-sized monkey bars). Some days it seems like Ben acquires at least two new words a day, and is constantly delighting me with new connections he is making.
In a way I'm glad he hasn't grown too much taller this winter, because it would be a shame to have to buy him all new winter pants when warm weather (and shorts-only attire) is only a few months away. In fact, the pants that fit the best in the waist are his 12-month pants. At this rate, maybe he can wear some of last summer's shorts for a while!

This past week Ben and I had a lovely three-day visit with my parents in El Paso. Benben loves reading with Gramma and playing with "Papa". We took a late flight back to San Antonio, and Ben really enjoyed having the whole mostly-empty airport as his playground. (See video below).

making some (not too sweet) music

dashing through the empty EP airport

tomatoes are finger food, right?

Saturday, February 1, 2014


clown car
Today Ben turns 18 months; he has been the center of our universe for exactly a year and a half. In celebration I've written 18 tidbits about my incredible son.

1. He is scared of the (sound of) the garbage truck.

2. He says "frrrrr" (frog) whenever he sees a pic of Yoda (in his Star Wars ABC book).

3. He does a little Gangnam-style skip-hop when he's dancing (or when he's especially happy).

4. He will sometimes sit for more than half an hour silently "reading" his books.

the stair Master
5. He takes anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours every night to fall asleep, but then wakes up only once (or not at all) until morning.

6. He loves the power of naming as many things as he can, starting as soon as I get him up in the morning with "nose" & "moufth."

7. He has been on an airplane more times that I can count (mostly to El Paso to see my family).

8. He uses words to describe the world, and not just to get his basic needs across (for example, the other day he pointed at a yellow-headed woodpecker in the backyard and said "hat," and then said "eat" as it pecked at the bird feeder).
climbing to worrying new heights

9. He often gets apprehensive when he gets to the top of a slide, and decides to go back down the way he came.

10. He consumes anywhere from 30-50 ounces of whole milk a day/night.

11. He has crazy morning bed-head (just like his momma).

12. He can climb ladders with almost no help and can sometimes climb up stairs without crawling (if he's got a running start).

Benben's best friend
13. He loves throwing balls, but they usually go behind him instead of the direction he's aiming (I think he gets that from his momma also).
first train ride

14. He understands what the phrase "What is this book about?" means, and can tell you that the book with the teddy bear in a towel pictured on the front is about "bath."

15. He can climb onto the dining room chairs (and table!) with no assistance.

16. After I made such a big excited deal about him calling broccoli "brock-o-lee-uh," he started adding "o-lee-uh" to the ends of a lot of words, like "milk-o-lee-uh."

17. Speaking of food, he will often joyfully eat sardines, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, and all sorts of meat; and other times he acts like they are poisoning him.

18. He gives the best starfish-clingy hugs imaginable.