Friday, February 7, 2014


monkeying around
Ben's physical growth has slowed a bit, according to today's 18-month check-up. In the last 3 months he has grown half an inch in height, and put on 1 pound, 9 ounces in weight. At his 15-month check up his height was in the 76th percentile, but now it's only the 50th percentile. (His weight remains at the 25th percentile). 
playing with Grandpa
reading with Gramma
I guess most of his calories these days go to brain gymnastics and feats of physical prowess (like executing two-feet-off-the-ground hops and swinging from toddler-sized monkey bars). Some days it seems like Ben acquires at least two new words a day, and is constantly delighting me with new connections he is making.
In a way I'm glad he hasn't grown too much taller this winter, because it would be a shame to have to buy him all new winter pants when warm weather (and shorts-only attire) is only a few months away. In fact, the pants that fit the best in the waist are his 12-month pants. At this rate, maybe he can wear some of last summer's shorts for a while!

This past week Ben and I had a lovely three-day visit with my parents in El Paso. Benben loves reading with Gramma and playing with "Papa". We took a late flight back to San Antonio, and Ben really enjoyed having the whole mostly-empty airport as his playground. (See video below).

making some (not too sweet) music

dashing through the empty EP airport

tomatoes are finger food, right?

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