Thursday, March 13, 2014

I wanna hold your hand

Ben is developing all sorts of interesting and slightly frightening talents lately. His newest favorite words are "elfint" (elephant), "arpane" (airplane), "cumber" (cucumber), and "move" (which he tells to our cats all the time). He no longer uses a high chair at home, and at restaurants he can use a booster seat just fine (especially if the food doesn't take too long to arrive!) He is FINALLY getting compliant with holding my hand when we are out and about, so now he walks (very proudly) from the house to the car, the car to the store, etc. I keep having to adjust how fast and where I walk with him though because "obstacles" like curbs are exciting challenges he wants to stop and conquer with joyful zest. 
Speaking of challenges, Ben loves climbing play equipment ladders and often wants to climb much higher than I am comfortable with (for example, the other day he climbed to the top of the red ladder in the playground picture below--with me standing underneath and trying not to have a heart attack). Another not-so-happy talent he's developed is often refusing to nap during the day and then being very cranky when when Clay gets home from work. I'm hoping that is just a phase! However, over all he's such a pleasant, happy little guy these days.

the scary red ladder Ben climbed
artful madness
first time sitting in a booster seat
dapper Ben
wanted his "baby" to eat breakfast too

floor nap 

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