Thursday, November 15, 2012

...and many more

For my birthday Clay got me a new iPhone (which is where all these photos and video came from). The quality is much better than my old phone, so documenting Benjamin is going to be even more fun now.

all dressed up

As of our Tuesday weigh-in, Benji is now 14.4 pounds (only up 0.2 from last week), but he sure feels heavier and more solid!

Wednesday was Clay's firm's Thanksgiving luncheon, and he had been threatened with bodily harm if I didn't bring little Junior. So I got Ben all dressed up in an outfit his Gramma and Grandpa got him and he sat like a little gentleman in Clay's lap while we all ate. Everyone was duly impressed.  :)
Benito's "Paddington Bear" coat 

happy to be dressed in stretchy pants again  :)
Ben meets the Wu-Tang Clan

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