Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankful for our little turkey (+ baby Clay has got a stunt double)

Ben's tocayo (Grandpa Ben)
airport fun
We had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend with Clay's family up in Oklahoma. Once again little Ben showed up ALL the other babies by being a model traveler. I just hope this is a life-long trend for him.    :)

Along with having a lovely Thanksgiving feast of ham and creamy spinach and two kinds of dessert (along with many other goodies) we had loads of fun family time. I even won one round of Settlers of Catan, although I was completely demolished at Scrabble (as usual).

I also got to see some of Clay's baby photos (see pictures below). Now I definitely don't need to guess who Benito looks like!! Benito could totally have been Clay's stunt double.

Grandpa Ben and Gigi

Mama's turkey

Baby Clay
Baby Clay
Baby Clay
(and yet more) Baby Clay

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