Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Viva Obama! Viva little Ben!

I'm so happy to say my little Ben was born under President Obama's leadership and that will continue for the next four years! What exciting election returns last night! (Last night was the first time I stayed up to watch them in more than 10 years-- being a teacher I always went to bed very early on Tuesday nights.)

As of Tuesday Benjamin now weighs 14.2 pounds!! On average he's still putting on about half a pound a week. We're trying him on the next bigger (size 3) diapers now too because it seemed like the other ones were cutting off circulation in his legs (and we'd had a couple of blow-outs). When I went to the doctor yesterday, the doctor even commented on how big he is; she correctly guessed that he's already wearing 6 month old clothes. I really wonder when his growth will slow or if he's always going to be a bit longer/taller than average. I guess that would make sense given Clay's and my heights, but it's not like either of us were particularly tall until middle school. Not that it matters; as long as Benito is healthy and happy!

Another little change in Benji is how much he loves having something in his hands now. Often he'd just as soon have a burp cloth as a toy; he loves to rub cloth on his face and scrunch it up in his hands. I love seeing these little developments!

In the video below he's enjoying pulling on/looking in his changing table mirror.

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