Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happiness is a cozy family

After a day of strolling the Riverwalk Museum Extension and getting delightful take-out sushi for dinner we said good-bye to the last of the family this morning. Now we are sadly lacking in grandparents to entertain Benito and a loving Auntie to sweep him up and make everything better when he gets fussy. Ben is so lucky to be so loved!

Over the past week or so Ben has also gotten much better at sitting up. He still needs a stabilizing nudge every few seconds, but he is really improving. 

A few days ago Ben got to have a playdate with one of my teacher friend's babies, Grady (pictures below).  She is about a month younger than Ben and much better at rolling over. Although a bit interested in staring at each other, they are both still mostly fascinated by toys and things they can immediately put in their mouths. It'll be fun to watch Grady grow older along-side little Ben!

Benji explaining to me why he needs a nap

warm (if somewhat too small) hat, warm heart <3

Grady & Ben

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