Friday, December 7, 2012

Rollin'... Rollin'... Rollin'

getting ready to walk to Walmart

It's funny how the most basic & boring of skills, like learning to roll over, seems so fantastically amazing & exciting when it's your own kid. Two nights ago, pretty much out of the blue, Benjamin did his funny little leg-kick-side-roll... and then he just kept rolling and turned over onto his stomach. I think he was almost as surprised as we were. (There are two videos of him from last night below.)

He still has a bit of trouble pulling his arm from underneath his body once he's turned, but he's getting better at that too. Sadly after about 3 minutes on his stomach Ben almost always begins to cry, but this is definite progress! Hopefully he'll learn to turn over to his back soon... although I guess that means I'll have to not swoop in and save him so quickly when he's crying on his tummy.  :)

In other news I'm very pleased that we finally got my car back from the VW dealership (where it had spent the week for refusing to start). For most of the week I borrowed Clay's car and he scooted to work, but yesterday I was stranded at home because Clay needed to be in the valley for work. Luckily for me Walmart is within close walking distance.

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