Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pediatrician check-up & visits with Santa

Today we had Benji's 4 month pediatrician visit. It was at 8 so Clay could go before work, and somehow that seemed extra early for Ben and I (he usually doesn't wake up until around 9!).

baby's first Santa picture
The pediatrician said everything looks great with him and he seems to be hitting his milestones (the only one he needs to reach in the next couple of weeks is rolling over). According to their measurements, he now weighs 15 lbs, 6 oz which puts him in the 55th percentile. His height is 26.5 inches, which puts him in the 94th percentile, and his head is 15.25 which puts that in the 70th percentile.  So basically he's grown three inches in the last two months and 5 inches since birth. No wonder he seems to be growing like a very hearty weed!

The pediatrician also answered a lot of our questions about starting to supplement his formula with baby food (which I plan to make myself using the "baby bullet" my sister got him). She suggested we wait a few more weeks until he can hold his head up just a bit straighter and then we start with whole milk yogurt. After that we should slowly introduce a new food every 3-4 days (or depending on how he reacts to it all). What an exciting new baby phase!

Last weekend we went to the hospital's NICU holiday graduates "reunion" party (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). It was way too crowded so we only stayed long enough to get his first picture with Santa.

The video below is of dinner time last night and shows how chatty he's becoming.

all tuckered out

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