Sunday, March 17, 2013

a passel of playdates

enjoying "nakies" time while pontificating/gnawing on his comb
Ben and I had a lovely week, full of play dates. My former co-worker and her baby, Grady, joined us for "baby time" at the library on Tuesday, then we had fun picking out lunch at the Bakery Loraine and eating it at my house. Grady is about three weeks younger than Ben, but much more advanced in the crawling department. I think he was quite jealous of her mobility. Hopefully it will encourage him to keep trying. He still consistently goes backwards (if he moves at all) on his tummy, but I know we're working towards progress.

Ben and I also enjoyed the company of my friend Tina, and her 2 1/2 month old, Auden. Our weekly lunches are always a pleasure!

While Ben slept though most of it, he also got to see my friend Elicia's 8 month old (from the vantage point of the baby carrier) as we hiked Friedrich Park on Friday afternoon. Hiking is sure a lot more work with a 19 pound baby strapped to you!!

This week he was battling a nasty diaper rash, so he got to enjoy some "nakies" time with doubled up blankets spread underneath him.

somebody knows he's handsome

pat pat pat on Grady
not so gentle patty-cake
Ben and Grady examining each other warily before the playing began

ben never ceases to "shock" Auden 
I know EVENTUALLY Ben will learn not to pull Luc's tail
adorable giraffe overalls Ben's already growing out of (see diaper poking out below!)
hummingbird hands and feet
Mama's afogado.... mmmmm Amy's ice cream with a shot of espresso

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