Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stretch McHouse-Menace

messes? we LOVE to make messes!
In the last week or so, Ben's development has just seemed to explode. He not only crawls with ease now, he's also pulling himself up on every available surface and then standing (unless whatever he's holding on to topples over on him) and then banging on whatever he can reach. We've had to move all of the objects back from the edge of Clay's desk and our shelves, and double check every area we let him loose in.

This stage is so exciting and SO exhausting! Yesterday I had to tie a floor lamp to a table and take his book display shelf out of the living room so he wouldn't pull it down on himself. We've also had to remove the baby exersaucers from the living room and study for the same reason. I guess they wouldn't have make him happy any more anyway.

Ben and I spent this morning at the zoo with my friend, Elicia, and her baby Daniel. Both babies especially enjoyed the petting zoo (pictures below). Ben even stayed awake for the whole visit this time, and the weather even cooperated and was cool and cloudy!)

first time in a swing! (a little unsure at first)

window ledge cruisin'

One of my more creative baby proofing ideas (elastic)... we'll see how it actually works. Right now he's pulling on it and making a nice loud snapping sound....
Look, Ma! Now I can reach all sorts of places you'd like to keep me away from!

Ben and Daniel enjoying the petting zoo

big, sleepy piggy at the petting zoo
even the monkeys at the SA Zoo get pinatas for Fiesta!
Ben (a little zonked-out), Noe, & Eli
doing his Peter Rabbit impression

Luke is surprisingly good natured when it comes to Ben

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