Monday, April 8, 2013

Scoot rally a la Houston!

somehow Ben doesn't look very impressed at the gymkhana preparations Sunday morning
We had a blast this weekend in Houston at the first Hip to be Square 80's-themed scooter rally. While little Ben and I didn't make it to as many events as Clay did, we really enjoyed the scooter meet-ups that we go to. The rally organizers picked some great places (especially Mugsy's (which served queso mac and cheese pizza with bacon on top), and Clay even participated in the gymkhana obstacle course (see video below). Too bad Ben slept through that!

The rally fun was magnified ten-fold for me because my brother Matt, who lives in Houston, was there with us. He showed Ben and I a great time at the Rice Village, we all enjoyed the new Picasso exhibit at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, and it made hanging out with scooter-folk even more fun. Aunt Sandy didn't get to join us until Sunday around noon, but she did arrive in time to see Clay compete in the gymkhana. She and Matt also showed their mad skills as masterful baby wranglers, giving Clay and I a chance to pack up the car on our way back to SA. Ben is so lucky to have so many wonderful uncles and aunts!

In other news, Ben's next tooth is definitely through the gum now (which is giving him a cute, lop-sided pumpkin look). It's also causing him to enjoy sticking out his lower jaw while he rubs his teeth together. Clay says it makes him look like Don Corleone from The Godfather.

chillin' on a fancy scoot
Uncle Matt helps Ben investigate his sunglasses case at a sidewalk cafe
doing his weird lower jaw thing
TOOOOOOTH (upper center)
alien baby wants out of his pack-n-play
doin' a spiderman dance at Matt's house
queso mac and cheese pizza? don't mind if I do!

sometimes baby clothes are just too awesome
first (and probably last) roses of the year

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