Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Close your eyes and it's past

Mama's big-little boy

Yesterday Ben turned eight months old... only four more months and he's a YEAR old. It's funny how right after he was born (well actually for the first two months), it seemed like he would always be a helpless, waking-up-every-two-hours, not-very-interesting little being. Then suddenly he's sitting and babbling and playing with toys and trying to stand up! I did not believe the multitude of people who kept telling us "they grow up so fast," but perhaps maybe (just maybe) those people were more right than wrong. While I love this cuddly, wobbly baby stage he's in now I'm still looking forward greatly to when he can understand when I read to him and play with toys that don't have to be put-everything-in-the-mouth safe.

He is just about to cut another tooth-- one of his top front teeth. The bottom teeth came in as a pair, so I'm wondering if he's going to look lop-sided with just one top tooth. I sure hope it comes in soon, because he was up for almost 2 hours last night unhappy and not able to sleep.

We had a good Easter weekend: Clay's mom and sister came and stayed with us, and we had many good meals and lots of fun shopping. It's such a shame our family is scattered all over the United States.

"hand over the camera and I'll stop wiggling my eye brows at you!"
Surprise! Delight! Who knows why!?
all chubby cheeks and big forehead!

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