Thursday, February 28, 2013

a new normal

scrunchie/piggy face
I guess things are kind of returning to normal around here; although it's a sad new, dog-less normal. The first night was really hard, putting away or throwing away all of the Colonel's things (we donated his dog food and heart worm pills to a shelter the next day). When the mailman comes, I still tense up, expecting Colonel to go berserk barking, and when I come home I expect to see him lumber off the couch and be overly happy to see Ben and I. I know it's just going to take a bit of time for this new "normal" to set in.

Our cats have been very happy to have every soft surface in the living room as their realm again. Luc is even so relaxed and happy he keeps snoring on the blue chair in the living room. I didn't even realize he DID snore until yesterday. I guess that shows how at ease he feels now!

The photos here are some I took a few days ago... you can see the Colonel's sleeping legs in the background. That makes these photos a little sad for me, but Ben is so cute I'm posting them anyway.

so, so world weary
MAD face
Clap! Clap! Clap!

Come here, I'm going to eat you!

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