Friday, February 1, 2013

SIX months (and counting)

This week we took an El Paso sojourn, staying with my folks while Clay does some work for the firm's El Paso regional office. It has been an incredible pleasure getting to share little Ben with his grandparents and getting to hang out during the days with my mom. I have even been getting some much-needed organizational-therapy done here at my parents house. Having a second person around to help baby wrangle makes all the difference in getting stuff done! The only real downside is the long 12-hour days Clay is having to put in right now. At least that's only temporary!

In the airport flying out to El Paso, Ben totally charmed everyone in the waiting room. He made googly eyes at all the women and grinned at the close-by men. Although he didn't sleep on the plane, luckily I was able to entertain him well enough. Hurray for a (mostly) happy baby!

He had a hard time acclimating to his new surroundings that first night, though. He woke up (literally) every hour until about 3 in the morning, at which point I spread sheets on the floor and decided to sleep on the floor next to him. Then he slept like a dream. The next day we bought a real crib (he's outgrown his pack-n-play) and he's slept just fine ever since.

starting to like avacado
Today Benito turned 6 months old! His newest accomplishments are: sprouting the very beginnings of two sharp little bottom teeth, and when he flops over from a sitting position he can now push himself back up to an upright position.

in the baby carrier at the airport

snuggling with Gramma

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