Thursday, February 14, 2013

Beep! Beep! Who's got the keys to the jeep? Ben!

Ben drives his first jeep
We have almost completed our final week of "deployment" to El Paso (as Clay calls it). It has been so nice to spend so much quality time with my family and get to enjoy the El Paso sights (we only had one bad dust storm the whole time, too!). Having my parents around to entertain and take care of Ben has been wonderful. We will definitely miss their endless cheerfulness and open arms when he gets fussy back in San Antonio!

I have also gotten a lot of satisfaction out of being able to help my parents around the house and in the yard. It's nice to be useful, and much easier to get stuff done when there are at least two people there to baby wrangle.

We have had a lot of fun getting to see Ben's Uncle Greg and Aunt Mari; they definitely know how to charm a baby! They joined us for our Chinese New Year celebration last Sunday, when a good many potstickers and dumplings were consumed by all (except Benji, who enjoyed spreading avocado all over his face instead.)

That said, we are looking forward to being back to San Antonio this weekend. Three weeks is a long time to be away from home! I wonder if our cats have gone feral...

the new brick path my dad and I put in the backyard
Grandpa time!
grocery shopping with Gramma
Ben entertaining Uncle Greg, or is it vice versa?
Chinese New Year decoration
breakfast brunch at the Double Eagle in Mesilla, NM

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