Friday, February 8, 2013

Say "yes" to avocado!

bottom teeth are kind of visible
Benji is valiantly trying to grow his two bottom teeth (you can kind of tell from the photo of him to the right). Although they still bother him, I think we're over the worst of the teething pain on those two. Now it will be fun to see how he looks when he's got them totally in!

As far as eating "solids," I feel like Ben is making good progress. (I'm not sure why they're called solids, since by the time I'm done cooking and then blended them, they are anything but solid!) Anyway Ben is now definitely an avocado-a-phile. He loves it more than any other food he's tried, so that's what I've been feeding him while we eat dinner every night. He seems to enjoy eating while we eat, too.

Last week for lunch I made him sweet potato, which he really hated. He'd make the most grossed out face and spit it out. The final time I tried to feed it to him, he actually gagged, so I just threw the rest away. I figure I can try to reintroduce it to him again in a month or so when slightly weird textures don't oog him out so much. This week my mom and I have been feeding him pear for lunch. The first couple of times he shuddered and didn't like it much, but I think it's growing on him. Next it's zuchinni!

With the help of my mom I'm working much more on baby sign language with him too. As much as he loved avocado, I think the "more" sign maybe one of the first he really learns. From what my baby sign language book says, if you start a baby on signing around 6 months, they may start signing back at 8 months. That will be super exciting!

Gramma helping Ben love pear
Also this week, my mom and I have been going through all of the photos in the house, and we found some cute ones of my dad, which definitely bear resemblances to little Ben. (There are some copies of the old photos below.) It's been very interesting to see all the old photos and documents. We even found a funeral receipt from decades ago for $385!

Colonel sneaking a baby sniff

* the video above shows some much coveted "daddy time" at the end of the day

baby BIG forehead!
getting some much-needed rest


***The pictures below are of my dad when he was a baby. I can definitely see some resemblance! ***

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