Friday, November 30, 2012

Feet... located; rolling over.... half way there

enjoying the sitting part of his "walker"
Just this week Benjamin has discovered his feet. He now spends quite a bit of time actively engaged in trying to remove his socks/pull his feet towards his head. My guess is he is trying to taste his toes or at the very least rub them on his gums (just like he does with everything else). In order to actually put his feet in his mouth he would need to be able to raise his head more, though. Benito's noggin is so large and heavy I think that may be a while. (I'm pretty sure his head is especially big for his age-- at the airport last weekend there was a lady with a 6 month old and Benji's head was bigger than that baby's!) Not that I'm comparing my child to other people's, you understand.  ;)

Ben is also earnestly working on turning over onto his tummy from his back. During floor time (as in the video below), he keeps kicking up his legs and turning onto his side. He kind of gets stuck there and can't turn all the way. He keeps trying though!


pre-breakfast smiles

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