Monday, November 5, 2012

We three travelers

We had a much more exciting weekend than usual. Saturday evening Ben and I had loads of fun with Leilani and her two kiddoes having dinner and hanging out. It's funny how it seems like no time at all ago that Eli was this small himself!

Eli "holding" Ben
Aunt Sandy
Then Clay had to be in Houston today (Monday) for work, and since my big brother and his wife now live in Houston, we decided to all go. So yesterday morning we drove to Houston; all the way there worrying that Benjamin was going to have a melt down. Driving with Ben often feels like driving with a time bomb: you know it's going to go off, it's just a matter of how far you can get towards your destination before it blows up. So to our very big surprise he slept almost the whole way to Houston (waking up to eat twice), which was wonderful!! It was super to get to see Matt and Sandy, their kitties and their great new house. Yesterday afternoon we all went to the Houston Museum of Natural History, which is one of the best museums I've ever been to. We only had time to do the Hall of Paleontology and the Gem and Mineral Collection, but I have never seen so many cool fossils and gorgeous gems!
sun-protected Ben on the way to the park this morning

Then this morning after Matt and Sandy went to work and Clay left for the courthouse, little Ben and I explored Matt and Sandy's neighborhood park, which was pretty neat. I hope one day Clay and I can live that close to a neighborhood park. We didn't make it back to San Antonio until around 8:00 tonight, but it was worth it!
Clay and Ben this morning


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