Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Teething exploits & other new skills

Lately Benji has been going to sleep much earlier than his "usual" 11:00-12:00 falling-asleep-time. The last few nights Clay and I have both been able to go to bed by around 10:00. Somehow that one hour makes so much of a difference. I sure hope it lasts! Although one thing I'm learning about having a baby is that the only guarantee is that nothing will stay exactly  the same for long.

Going along with his precocious growth spurts, we think Benjamin is now teething. For a few weeks he's been super drool-y and trying to chew on everything: his hands, our hands, and even my elbow (during a diaper change). I've been reading how the process of a tooth actually popping through the gums to the surface can take days or months... I hope his is not months! His mouth seems so uncomfortable. Last night we tried rolling a wet washcloth into a tube and freezing that. This seemed to make him feel so much better than he almost fell asleep twice. I sure hope it keeps helping!

He's also getting a lot better at raising his head when he's doing tummy time. It seems like just all of a sudden he's able to keep his head up for an extended period. Ben is also enjoying the new power he has over his fingers: he can grasp a toy with both hands now, can fit his hand in his mouth while eating (which isn't such a great new skill), and is excelling at hair pulling.

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