Tuesday, November 20, 2012

take a hike (but not to Ikea)

Ben and me at Eisenhower Park
This past weekend Benjamin went along for his first hike (at Eisenhower Park). Although he slept most of the time, I do think he enjoyed watching the trees go by before the swinging motion of the baby backpack lulled him to sleep. Clay and I enjoyed the exercise (although hiking with 15 pounds strapped to your chest does have its challenges!).

Then yesterday Leilani and I took Ben to Ikea up in Round Rock. Although they didn't have any of the chairs I wanted in stock, we had a good time. Everything went very well until the return trip home, and then Ben unleashed all the I-hate-marathon-shopping-sessions fury in his little body. The two hour trip home sure seemed to take twice that time. I guess I should have known better! :)

**Photos below are of Clay doing his Ben impression

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