Thursday, November 1, 2012

THREE months old today!

It's hard to believe Ben has only been with us three months. It seems like way longer; like even a year or more! I guess our lives have changed so drastically that makes sense. In his picture below Benji is wearing handmade pants and a handmade tunic (by our friend Elicia). They are so adorable!

It also seems like all of a sudden Ben's not happy unless he has something in his hand. Sometimes it'll be a toy, but more often he is holding onto a soft burping cloth or the edge of a blanket and rubbing it on his face. He seems to understand a little better how his hands work now.

This morning Benjamin and I went on a mission of health and mercy (for our will power), and took all of our left-over Halloween candy (and we had quite a bit) to an orthodontics office that's participating in a program where they'll send unwanted candy to the troops overseas. So now we've done a good deed and neither Clay nor I will be tempted by all those Reeses and Baby Ruths and Butterfingers and Crunch bars... :)

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