Monday, September 17, 2012

+ 1 lb 4 oz!!

Great news this afternoon from my visit with the lactation consultant: in the last week Benjamin went up one whole pound and four ounces (the average to go up in a week is 3.5 to 7 ounces)!!! The previous week he had only gained 2.5 ounces.  So it looks like the combination of nursing and bottle feeding milk/formula is definitely working!! I am so so so glad! I'd love to be able to focus on things other than if my baby is getting enough to eat!

He really seems a lot happier, too, and had been practicing his smile today when I touch his cheek. I'll try to get a photo of it, but so far it's been fleeting.

All of our weekend's washing machine research finally paid off today, and I ordered an LG that rates very high on Consumer Reports from Home Depot. Home Depot could deliver it tomorrow, but Sears (which had it for the same price) couldn't deliver one until Oct.9.... Hmmmm... I didn't have to think too hard to decide which store to go with!
doing the baby "mind trick"

floor time with The Colonel

Benjamin had a very exciting poo blow out (all over me!) this morning, and I will be SUPER excited to have a washing machine again!! (Especially since I only have a couple of pair of pants that fit in my post-pregnancy-still-far-from-my-old-weight size.)

at Earl Abel's last night

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