Tuesday, September 18, 2012

not-so-busy Tuesday :)

Benjamin and I took it easy today. Unlike most days, today we stayed home all day long (waiting for the washing machine to be delivered), I worked on my latest ETS contract assignment, and I finished some of our dinner preparations for the week. This week we're having homemade hot wings (the delicious secret is broiling them in the oven + Louisiana Gold sauce) for two dinners and Bubble and Squeak (with sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes) for the other two dinners. I'd forgotten how much prep work goes into making Bubble and Squeak, but luckily for me Benjamin slept soundly in his swing for the hour I was working in the kitchen. It's weird, but he seems to prefer the swing when it's not actually moving most days.

The washing machine was delivered earlier than they said it might be today, and it works great. I'm really psyched that it's a top loader too. Bending over to load and unload laundry in the small space available in front of our old machine was a real pain (especially since I spend so much time with Benjamin in the backpack in front of me). It is great to be able to just dump the clothes in the new washer from up above! Most top loaders are not as energy efficient as front loaders, but this one gets an Energy Star rating, and is supposed to be really good. Better yet, it has a high reliability rating and hopefully won't break down after two years like our last two washers did!

P.S.  I just glanced back at the pictures of little Ben from September 10, and it is crazy how different and more filled-out he looks now! Actually it's a little scary how skinny he looked (and I didn't even realize it!)

***the onesie Ben is wearing today was designed and given to us by his creative Aunt Katie

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