Sunday, September 30, 2012

Benji's first rally / vacation

gymkhana in the background
This weekend we went on our first vacation as a little family! There was a scooter rally up in Austin ( that we weren't even sure we'd be able to go to because we thought Clay might have to work, but luckily his case settled and we were home free.

We didn't bring any of the scooters up to Austin since it was a last-minute thing and it was supposed to be very rainy all weekend (we got 4 inches of rain between Friday and Saturday!). Yesterday there were torrential downpours, but today has been beautiful. Benjamin did very well at his first rally (mostly sleeping in the baby backpack) & didn't seem to mind all the noise of revving engines or boisterous but very nice scooter crowd. Plus, it was so super nice to get to spend a whole weekend with Clay NOT working!

now which scoot does Ben want...
NOT good scooter riding weather!
The Colonel got boarded while we were away (which is great) because that means he got his first bath in about 6 months, so he'll be all clean and non-stinky when the Cannon clan descends on San Antonio next weekend. I'm SO looking forward to two great weekends in a row!

hotel!  (we brought his pack-n-play for him to sleep in)
It was a bit chilly this weekend, so this is his first time wearing pants!!

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