Wednesday, September 5, 2012

NOT tongue tied

I went to the Pediatric Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor this morning, and she said Benjamin is NOT tongue tied. If he was, when he tried to stick his tongue out, it would almost look forked in the middle. She said there was nothing she could do for him that might help him latch on better when nursing. Getting that news made me feel pretty down, because lately it seems like Benjamin just isn't getting enough at each feeding. Last night he seemed especially frustrated while nursing and allowed me a total of 3 and a half hours of sleep. Yep. A new low!

When I got home I decided to go ahead and try nursing him without the nipple shield (since it'd been a couple of weeks since I gave it a try and there was no possible medical intervention available any more), and he actually did okay! It didn't hurt terribly like it did before, and he seemed way more satisfied after this feeding that usual.... so maybe things are looking up after all.

The dizzy video below is of Benjamin enjoying the swing his Auntie Katie and Uncle Eric got him.

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