Monday, September 24, 2012

Pediatrics & picnics

showing his muscles to the pediatrician this morning
Benjamin had to go to the pediatrician today because this weekend we kept seeing a little blood in his poo. The doctor found a small "fissure" on his rear, and said that was the likely culprit. So now we'll be applying vaseline and a prescription cream (for his diaper rash) for a while. I sure hope that helps. It's really really hard to see him in pain (and every time he's pooping it seems like he is in pain). I know in the grand scheme of his life, this is probably the least of the real pain he'll have to suffer, but I totally wasn't prepared for how bad it make me feel. Being a mama gets more "interesting" all the time.

Oh, and when they measured Benjamin's length at the pediatrician's office, he's now 23.25 inches-- he's grown about 2 inches in the last month! That's my boy! (or probably more accurately-- that's Clay's boy!)

We had a quite low-key weekend with Clay having to work all day Saturday and half day Sunday. Sunday afternoon Clay took some great photos of Benjamin and me (some are uploaded above), and because the weather was so beautiful we took Benjamin to the park where he had his first "picnic" (as the picture shows). It was great until we got swarmed by mosquitoes, but by then Benji had finished his bottle anyway.

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